Comments on: Caliber Wars…Again Where Concepts Meet Reality Mon, 23 Aug 2021 13:43:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Caliber Wars…again & again Mon, 30 Jun 2014 11:30:59 +0000 […] a while back I penned an article entitled Caliber Wars…again and in the article I was trying to convey a single point; don’t get caught up in the all […]

By: Ammunition Truths Wed, 05 Mar 2014 12:30:52 +0000 […] going to have to provide greater detail for some. Just like arguing about the caliber (see recent, Caliber Wars) arguing about defensive rounds is somewhat pointless. Some will try to make it out to be a bigger […]

By: Realities of a Defensive Rifle Mon, 03 Mar 2014 12:38:51 +0000 […] select a model with the highest magazine capacity that comes standard. You can get caught up in the caliber wars, but 9mm is a huge advantage here. Do not rely on the extended capacity add-on’s commonly […]

By: Jeff Gonzales Wed, 05 Feb 2014 20:13:59 +0000 In reply to RamZar.

Totally agree.

By: RamZar Wed, 05 Feb 2014 19:59:28 +0000 9mm because today’s defensive ammo are leaps and bounds better than 10 years ago. Then, it comes down to shot placement and penetration.

By: Jeff Gonzales Mon, 27 Jan 2014 19:05:51 +0000 In reply to Rcraigjohn.


By: Rcraigjohn Mon, 27 Jan 2014 12:18:07 +0000 Great advice, Jeff. As a range officer, I see many many women struggling with some gun that their husband or boyfriend has bought for them. Most are either too large (look, honey, I’ve got this 454 you can shoot) or too small. Most recently, I helped a terribly frustrated woman whose husband had bought her a small double action .380. It was one of the cheaper brands. It had such a terrible trigger pull, was a double action, that she couldn’t shoot the thing. Heck, when I tried it, it was like hitching a mule team to a wagon to get it to fire. I had her try my XD (sorry — not a GLK, Jeff) in 9mm. Within minutes, and with a bit of coaching, she was hitting most shots within a three inch circle at 15 feet and was feeling very good about it, and was determined to unload the POS she had even if it was ‘more concealable’ in her purse. Told her to go find an XD or Glock and she would be much happier, and actually could get competent.
