Comments on: All Guns are Always Loaded
Where Concepts Meet RealityMon, 22 May 2017 14:38:56 +0000
By: The Polite Hypocrite
Fri, 18 Jul 2014 11:31:13 +0000[…] last blog on open carry (All Guns Are Always Loaded) stirred the pot a bit and not surprising. I’m not going to sugar coat things here, but if […]
By: Marty
Wed, 16 Jul 2014 21:23:06 +0000 said. Putting aside for a minute the legitimacy of open/concealed carry laws and those exercising their constitutional rights, I had the same reaction as you to these two individuals. My threat level would be up upon encountering them. Firstly, because I cannot afford to merely assume that they are protestors; secondly, even if I knew that from the start, neither instills in me great confidence that they know what they are doing with those weapons. I understand that you should never judge a book but its cover but … the little dude looks like he is about to trip over his shoelaces. I would be interested in your observations as to their lack of proficiency.
By: flashback
Wed, 16 Jul 2014 15:25:33 +0000 am for the most part in agreement with your assessment of the O/C situations, Rob Pincus also makes a great case on the subject as well…I’m a little torn though.
I do not support the way some are “protesting” as it is having negative effects on the rest of us. I do not O/C but I do support the right to do so…it’s obvious that this groups plan of action is not the way to go about it and even the other O/C groups have asked them to stop and rethink things.