Comments on: The Polite Hypocrite Where Concepts Meet Reality Mon, 22 May 2017 14:38:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: flashback Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:16:19 +0000 Agree Jeff, we need to be prepared for those that wish us ill will and those that may be a bit more “enthusiastic” to help us as well. There are folks on both sides of the issue that need some more information/education…ones that don’t think that they do.

By: Jeff Gonzales Fri, 18 Jul 2014 17:55:42 +0000 In reply to flashback.

Thanks Gene, I wanted to make sure just in case. No truer words from Benjamin Franklin, that’s for sure. I agree with you completely, but as I mentioned Pandora’s box is already open and I’m afraid there is no going back. As for your comment about just because you can do something, that is the key there. Just because you can yell “fire” in a crowded building doesn’t mean you should, but as I mentioned, if you do you need to be prepared for the consequences. That I believe is the piece missing or overlooked.

By: flashback Fri, 18 Jul 2014 17:48:08 +0000 In reply to Jeff Gonzales.

Yeah, I got that Jeff…didn’t mean to come across as to thinking that. To throw out some well known sentiments:
I agree it’s a rough path and we’re going to have to hang together or we’ll most assuredly hang alone to paraphrase Ben Franklin.
It’s just that sometimes just because one can doesn’t mean they should. We need to be a step above and be good ambassadors as well as advocates.

By: Jeff Gonzales Fri, 18 Jul 2014 17:21:57 +0000 In reply to flashback.

Gene, don’t feel as the article was directed at you specifically. The blog is posted to several different sites and the observations are from a much larger group. I wouldn’t write something based off a single incident just as a heads up.

I hear what you are saying and any form of political free speech is going to be tricky. You don’t have to like it, agree with it or be ok with it. The problem is when we put exceptions on the table. I am reminded of the recent incident at the Bundy Ranch where a “free speech” zone was created, you could talk all you wanted, but you had to do it in this area away from the front lines.

It is a slippery slope for sure.

By: flashback Fri, 18 Jul 2014 16:24:32 +0000 I stated that I support O/C even though it is something that I do not do, I just wish those that do wouldn’t use the methods that some are utilizing…don’t think that constitutes me being a hypocrite, just a little more realistic perhaps.
Great follow up article!!

By: Jeff Gonzales Fri, 18 Jul 2014 13:00:45 +0000 In reply to zayomabi.

Thanks for the note and the kind words Allen. I am glad you enjoyed the piece and hopefully more folks recognize the same thing. Stay safe.

By: zayomabi Fri, 18 Jul 2014 12:35:55 +0000 Jeff,

I rarely comment on posts although I read them all. In this case I feel I have to respond. Your assertion that people that partially support open carry of weapons are hypocritical is spot on. When looked at as a form of political speech, legally carrying firearms openly is little different than any other controversial political speech. Would those that partially support these folks from carrying firearms openly also only support speaking or writing about firearms partially as well?

The measure of our right to express speech, especially political speech is not limited by what we are comfortable with, but rather what we are uncomfortable with. Many may not like their form of political speech but we must support their right to express that speech.

We must support all forms of political speech, especially that speech that makes us nervous, unhappy, or angry. To do any less is un-American.

Thanks Jeff for once again cutting through the noise and getting directly to the point.

