Comments on: The Great Divide Where Concepts Meet Reality Mon, 22 May 2017 14:38:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Gonzales Sun, 04 Jan 2015 15:00:42 +0000 In reply to TheRandyGuy.

Thank you for your thoughts

By: Jeff Gonzales Fri, 26 Dec 2014 23:16:23 +0000 In reply to Rcraigjohn.

Thanks Craig, same to your family as well.

By: Rcraigjohn Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:40:27 +0000 Merry Christmas, Jeff! Keep leading onward. Thanks for the wisdom!

By: TheRandyGuy Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:58:15 +0000 Murder is wrong, whether committed by civilians or police. For far too long, the “law enforcement community” has been turned into a defacto modern day equivalent of the Nazi brown-shirts by the politicians, charged NOT with keeping the peace (we called cops “peace officers” when I grew up – I’m 54), but with “enforcing the law”, and that difference is significant. Laws used to be intended to protect society from the actions of others. Far too many laws today seek to protect the individual from himself – and that’s where the problem begins. Seat belt laws, inane tax laws, “regulatory procedures” all enforced by police officers. “We just enforce the law” they tell us. Well, perhaps so, but those laws are used by the politicians to train society to be compliant to whatever dictate government decides to issue – and cops are routinely granted passes by DA’s that rely on police testimony to make their cases. Garner died as a result of a prohibited choke hold – no charges filed. The public anger over these killings is understandable, and growing. Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, government has increased the police presence and the power they have to “enforce the law”, ostensibly designed to keep us safe. Not all of us want the police state, which is defined as where police suppress activities the government doesn’t approve of. Society needs the police. Those police, however, must never be viewed as above the law or treated as superior to those they police. When that happens, and it is now, acts of violence will increase. Criticism of police is not an attack, and every facet of government should be reigned in when it begins to act in ways contrary to the purpose they were created for. Politicians can stop this by only creating new laws that protect society from the acts of others – but don’t hold your breath.
