Comments on: Front Sight Focus Where Concepts Meet Reality Mon, 22 May 2017 14:38:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Gonzales Tue, 25 Apr 2017 15:03:42 +0000 In reply to Ron.

The jury is still out, too soon to make good judgement.

By: Ron Mon, 10 Apr 2017 02:26:39 +0000 Jeff in the past you discussed finding the sweat spot at distance for Trijicon HD sights on a Glock. Under a certain distance, you ran a traditional sight picture as stated above. At 25 yard and greater you switched to placing the tritium vial on the desired impact point and aligned the top of the rear sight with the vial/dot. This adjustment resulted in the muzzle tilting up achieving higher impacts the traditional sight picture (with these sights).

Trijicon came out with the Trijicon HD XR sights. They use the same rear sight but have a thinner and taller front sight. What are your thoughts on these new sights?

Based on your Trijicon HD distance sight alignment it would seem that the new taller sight would make things worse? The taller sights would move the muzzle downward resulting in lower impacts?

Trijicon HD Original:
Front Sight Post Width = .144”
Front Sight Blade Height = .215”
Rear Notch Width = .169”
Rear Blade Height = .231”

Trijicon HD XR:
Front Sight Post = .122” Wide
Front Sight Height (Blade) = .230” Tall
Rear Notch Width = .169”
Rear Blade Height = .231”


By: Jeff Gonzales Sun, 09 Apr 2017 00:44:55 +0000 In reply to stevenfu45.

No, if you do the drill correctly you are resting the magazine on the rear sight. This is the “box” referenced in the blog. Hope that helps.

By: stevenfu45 Sun, 19 Mar 2017 20:21:49 +0000 Awesome! What do you mean by creating a “box with a spare magazine”? Wouldn’t the height of the magazine block the front sight post already?
