Comments on: Practicing for a Test Where Concepts Meet Reality Fri, 24 Nov 2017 14:44:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ramin Fri, 16 Jun 2017 20:27:12 +0000 Your opening question is to the point.

Personally, I like tests but not necessarily the same one over and over again. Even if you were to practice the same test repeatedly it all depends on how frequently,

I see many police officers (regular not SWAT) only shoot enough to pass their qualifications once or twice a year. Those tests are not even the toughest and geared towards the lowest common denominator. Of course, I also see many civilians but a gun shoot 50-100 rounds and now they think they can defend themselves.

Here in West L.A. we don’t have easy access to outdoor ranges that are nearby. So, I go to an indoor range every quarter and shoot the GSSF (Glock indoor match) course. It’s not from the holster but it does have the elements of various distances out to 25 yards and also a maximum time per stage. Like the TriCon target you can’t see the zones at 50 and 75 feet. Also, what matters is to shoot it cold without practice. Any practice is better than none and it all depends on dedication, convenience, accessibility, time and money.

When I used to go out to outdoor ranges, where you could draw from the holster, we would shoot various named drills where both speed and accuracy count.

Variety is the spice and any practice is better than none.
