Comments on: The Eye Of The Hurricane Where Concepts Meet Reality Fri, 08 May 2020 13:06:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Gonzales Fri, 08 May 2020 13:06:37 +0000 In reply to Dan Nagai.

There are a lot of bad things going on right now. When we look back at this event the points that will be vivid will be leadership. History will remember the leaders or lack of leadership during this time period. When you look at Trump and Newsom time will tell who lead their people through these tough times and did not.

By: Dan Nagai Sun, 26 Apr 2020 06:22:53 +0000 Jeff –
This is the 1st time in my life that I won’t be voting for a Republican this November. I did not vote for Billary because of Bengazi and alot of other things. I was a little uncertain when Trump started signing a mass amount of “Executive Orders” in the beginning. Executive Order 9066 was signed by FDR to place my great grandparents, my grandparents, mom and dad in an internment camp (Camp Manzanar) for three years during WWII. But Trump lies, is vindictive, has a big ego and is doing a terrible job of leading this country through this pandemic virus. He makes no sense at all. Plus, he has done absolutely nothing to support my 2nd Amendment rights. I was told two days before he made an announcement on TV that there was going to be a total lockdown in the U.S. by my sister’s friend who’s relative works in the Pentagon. Well Trump must have fucked that up, too. Now, Dr. Fauchi is not invited to his daily press conferences and Trump says some stupid things, suggesting that people take some unproven prescription medication and injest disinfectant? WHF??? No more Trump for me. Yeah, I think that we are in for some deep shit. My family has everything that we need and are all hunkered down now. Since my accident, I have some immunity issues. I am now 64 and my mom is 94.
Things are whacky. I have cases of ammo, but in L.A. County, Winchester White Box .45 ACP 230 gr. usually goes for ~ $19. But Turner’s Outdoorsman is gouging customers! They are now raping people for the same ammo @ $40.00 for 50 rds. I am no prepper, but I am very careful not to let others know that we are prepared for the long hall. I don’t see any cure coming up soon and I’m a very conservative & cautious person. If Trump thinks that everything is getting better, then why isn’t he, his wife and kid doing “meet & greets” in NYC without masks and gloves??? His approval rating is taking a dump. “Nero fiddled while Rome burned”. ? Stay safe my friend and avoid the radar.
– Dan
