Comments on: In Defense Of Self-Defense Where Concepts Meet Reality Fri, 18 Sep 2020 13:43:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Gonzales Fri, 18 Sep 2020 13:43:35 +0000 In reply to Brian S..

You misunderstand the accuracy component I believe. The accuracy component is not necessarily how precise the round is, but your ability to deliver accurate rounds on the target. Accuracy is your ability to place the bullet(s) where you want it and precision is how tight a shot group you can deliver. Or, accuracy is the closeness to true value and precision is the degree to which you can repeat the true value. The two are somewhat the same, but different. Hope this helps.

By: Brian S. Thu, 17 Sep 2020 16:31:37 +0000 IMHO accuracy is probably the least important factor. In the majority of self defense incidents involving handguns, distances range between 5 feet and 25 feet maximum. That’s mostly a point-and-shoot situation…and IMHO it wouldn’t matter one bit whether said ammunition has the capability to shoot a 2 inch or 6 inch group when using a benchrest and a paper target. In short, there will be no 100 yard shots. It would be better to talk in terms of “precision” and consistency of POI…eg. can you put the bullet where it needs to go. If someone is closing in on you at a rapid pace, there isn’t going to be time to line up the sights on a particular spot on the assailant…other than center mass. Again, accuracy refers to group size when all other variables are controlled for. Our needs in dealing with a bad guy in a dark parking lot are quite different.
