Comments on: Basic Carry 1 Where Concepts Meet Reality Fri, 13 Oct 2023 21:18:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris James Wed, 24 Feb 2021 15:14:18 +0000 Concealed Carry 1 was the first class I ever took with Jeff and Trident Concepts. I probably should have started with Combative Pistol 1 and 2 before taking this course to get the most out of it because I was behind the curve the whole time as a new pistol shooter. Said that, it was an incredible confidence boost to me and pulled me into the world of marksmanship training & pistol mindset, and I am forever grateful to Jeff for literally changing my life with this course. I’ll explain why in a minute, but first I’ll explain what you get from this course:
1. CONFIDENCE – The hoster and clear drills built into this curriculum will give you a very solid foundation for CCW and I recommend every person who plans to carry everyday (EDC) takes this course because you can’t win the fight if you don’t believe you can
2. MINDSET – Closely connected to the drills is Jeff’s approach to teaching the modern carry mindset. This guy literally wrote the book on concealed carry and how he teaches you to THINK is even more valuable than how he teaches you to shoot.
3. GEAR SELECTION – This class will put your pistol, holster and belt choices to the test. I’ve taken this course twice an each time at least one student has to end up seriously rethinking their first-line gear choices – that’s a good thing. Way better to learn it in a class with someone who can steer you to better choices than learn it doesn’t work in real fight.

So how did this course change my life? Besides leaving a more confident, safer shooter than when I came in the door CC1 gave me a starting point for where I needed to progress as a shooter. I did NOT perform well in the graded drills and I straight up failed. This was what I absolutely needed, though. I had an inflated, untested perception in my head of my skill level and I learned quickly that I had a LOT of work to do to become the shooter I want to be and that work continues through to today. Jeff shined a light on the path I had to walk and gave me all the information and fundamental skills to become a competent shooter, a confident concealed carrier and an asset to my family and community. I am forever grateful for his help in re-wiring my brain at 39. I just wish i had met him 20 years sooner!

Do yourself a favor and take this class or CC2 whenever it’s offered. I promise, you won’t regret it.
