Comments on: Run Ted Run Where Concepts Meet Reality Mon, 22 May 2017 14:39:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Gonzales Sun, 13 Apr 2014 02:24:31 +0000 In reply to paulmnihill.

Those are some great points, thanks for bringing them up and please feel free to share the article with other folks. Spread the word and keep spreading it. Be safe.

By: paulmnihill Sun, 13 Apr 2014 00:03:16 +0000 I could not agree more….Sen Cruz is an outspoken and well positioned man who understands the fundamentals of individual freedom AND responsibility; those two go hand in hand. Since when was being a 25 classify you as a “kid”? I believe part of what sets him apart is his willingness to say what many (and of late the majority) of the US population believe.

But we at the local level, in social media and in our own social networks, also carry the burden to speak up. Political correctness has no place in the public discussion. Let’s respect each other and each other’s viewpoints without tearing down the person. When did disagreement become unacceptable? When did a Biblical point of perspective become offensive? We were founded on Christian-Judeo values, in spite of the current trend. Not a republic in history has survived more than 230 years or so….we are a republic and we are not too late to buck that trend…but it will take work. And we the people, in order to restore our Union should be unafraid to ask that those we elect do the same as we do at home.

I would also add we should push for term limits on those who represent us in the House and Senate of the US. The president is limited to 8 years, I think that we should also limit our representatives to two consecutive terms also…. It isn’t out of the question, just takes a little bit of momentum where we all live and share our lives also!
