Hi Jeff,
I truly believe that Trump will be a refreshing, profitable and needed change for our country. And personally, unlike some others I don’t care if his new position happens to make him some money at the same.
Being in the military in 68 I’m pretty old school. We should bring back the draft and follow Israels model where everyone must spend 2-years in their military. Lets face it, except for the exceptional few, the Liberals are producing a generation of victims. Sadly enough that is showing up more and more in our military, our legal system, our laws, and our Government as a whole.
The really scary thing in my mind is that our current laws are totally inadequate to combat radical terrorism in this country. You may have already seen this information but if not ,see what you think, http://www.granddeception.com
Thanks for the detailed response, I appreciate your effort and have similar views. It will be interesting to see how the next few years.
]]>Mr. Trump:
This man, Donald Trump, did us all a BIG favor by running for President. Mr. Trump, being a business man saw this country basically circling a 20+ Trillion dollar drain and said he’d had enough and stepped up. We should all be appreciative of that. He certainly didn’t need the money and is forgoing his Presidential salary. He didn’t need his life flipped upside-down by the biased Media, and other political haters. He didn’t need the death threats, an attempted assassination, slanderers, or his private life publicly blown totally out of proportion. If he were a Military Commander, I’d be proud to serve under him. In my mind, the biggest thing Mr. Trump has going for him is that he is NOT a corrupt politician running for another corrupt political office.
Hollywood Elites:
You know who you are, the ones that said they’d leave this country if Mr. Trump was elected President. To you I say, “Please Leave” and upon leaving, denounce your US citizenship, sell all of your fancy cars, your fancy houses, etc. that we the “Deplorable” helped you buy, just leave………………bye, bye!
NEVER Hillary:
You calling me and millions of other Americans “Deplorable”, only makes me prouder to be an American and a Veteran. And naturally as a Deplorable, I voted for Donald Trump. I voted for Donald Trump to hopefully stem yours and others politically correct tide of corruption in our government and just maybe, help save our country from the likes of you and your like-minded gun hating, Anti 2nd Amendment zealots.
Personally, I’m glad that you won’t be able to:
• Open our borders endangering our Citizens
• Put our military and other government personnel lives at risk because of political correctness.
• Put our military combat troops in harm’s way without a clear defined and defensible mission.
• Take away the right of law-abiding citizens to own a serviceable firearm of their choice.
• Make it cost prohibitive for a law-abiding citizen to be able to buy ammunition.
• Make “Smart Guns” mandatory endangering lives
• Force all of our US firearm manufacturers and supporting businesses to go out of business and out of the United States
• Put in place Presidential Directives that would be traitorous to this country and its constitution
• Appoint, Amendment trashing Justice(s) to OUR Supreme Court
• Use your appointed office for your personal gains any longer
• Waste another 4-8 years of our country’s future.
• Turn our country and its citizens into Victims
Sorry, I’ve run out space!!!!!!