It has been a long time since we talked about having fun. While defensive and operational topics always have a serious undertone, it is nice to be able to have fun while working, in fact…it’s great!
Recently I was able to spend an afternoon with my good friend Bryan Black from ITS Tactical creating a short video on our new TACOST Training Program. I’m telling you, we had a great time and the out-takes would have you rolling. Bryan wanted to spend some time on the background of the training program as well as how it works.
It was nice to shed some light on the lineage and some who have trained with us for a long time can remember the Marksmanship Training Program. This program was a lot of fun, challenging and it kept people honest, but it was a lot of work on our end. We eventually had to put it aside as our OPTEMPO picked up dramatically. I had wanted to bring it back for years, but just didn’t have the time. Well, sometimes you just have to make time, which is what finally allowed me to get this project to the public.
I am so happy with the popularity of the Pistol-1 program and we are currently sending off the Rifle-1 and finalizing the templates for the Conditioning-1. All very exciting for sure.
This is all leading to some great things down the road so hang on as it is going to be a hell of ride and you just might have some fun in the process.
Here is the video clip from range day. Enjoy and please share.
Hands On With TACOST Training Program
I just received my deck, and I can’t wait to get to the range with a couple of these cards. Maybe I’m totally missing something, but how does the scoring work? Many of the exercises have ‘point penalties’ assigned to them. Is it like golf, where lowest score at the end of the round wins? Is the penalty assessed when the task is not completed satisfactorily? Do you start at a beginning score (like 100), and deduct points from there? I like the game aspect of it, but I can’t find the rules 🙂
Your point deductions are based off 100 so subtract your point penalties from 100.