Why The Correct Trigger Finger Spot Is Important

I have learned over the years, no matter how simple I make the lesson there are always challenges. One I continue to experience is proper trigger finger placement.

What Type of Cup Are You

I have developed a system that allows shooters the best chance of shooting success. We dissect their technique and either push them to sustain or guide them to improve. If they are doing well, there is no need to change their technique for the sake of changing. My ego is well established I don’t need to see my imprint on every student I come into contact with in classes. It is when we need to improve the challenges begin. When it comes to corrective strategies I can break the student down into three different categories. Each category requires a slightly different approach. There is the empty cup, the half full cup and the full cup.

Full Cup Obstacles

The empty cup type students struggle just like everyone else. Typically, they are overwhelmed with so much new material they have a hard time focusing on a single action. Instead, their attention is splattered all over the place. The half full cups are probably the easiest to work with and easiest to see the most improvements. They have a decent knowledge base, can comprehend the material and with a little mentoring can discover on their own the best technique for themselves. The full cups are probably the hardest to deal with for lots of different reasons. The two biggest ones are denial and ego.

Believing Your Trigger Finger Is Right, But It’s Not

They have a hard time accepting they are making the mistakes identified in corrective strategies. On the one hand, they can comprehend the mistake, but on the other there is a disbelief they are actually making said mistake. Through the diagnostics we use I can identify the various types of errors. There are a few we see in every class and are easy to spot. I call these the low lying fruit because if I can get the student to remedy the error, they can see big improvements and quickly. When denial exists, there is little I can do other than apply deductive reasoning in the hopes the student’s logical brain will override their emotional brain. Explaining the error and corrective strategy to the class has it’s advantages. The big disadvantage is the idea the student in question is thinking, “he can’t be talking about me.” Then dismissing the point.

Hitting Rock Bottom

When ego is involved there is a disbelief they can be making the mistake. It glosses over them. It is not until they reach a low point they can accept the possibility they are creating the error leading to their poor performance. About the only way to handle this situation is to wait until they are literally up against the ropes then spend some time one to one. The light bulb moment is the result of exhausting all other options and finally recognizing the problem. In either case, as an instructor you have to be patient. Even if you apply these strategies, there is still a chance they won’t come around taking more time and more failures. I see this a lot in classes with trigger finger placement.

The Right Digit Location

In this case, it had to do with the trigger finger placement. The trigger finger must be completely isolated from the frame of the firearm. It cannot touch, rub or contact the frame. If it does, the finger will place pressure on the frame. This pressure will move the frame in the direction of the pressure resulting in a windage error. While I talk about the trigger finger being low and deep, the main point I try to get across is isolating the trigger finger. Then keeping the tip pointed at ninety degrees. It really is an easy error to spot, both in the shot group and with the shooter. The hard part is fixing the problem when the shooter doesn’t see the problem themselves.

Once the shooter is ready to see the shooting error, they are ready to correct the error. The only thing you can do in the mean time is provide encouragement and accountability.

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