Movement is a topic mostly misunderstood and rarely practiced. As a foundational skill, it should be part of every competent gunman’s skill set.
Mobile bullet sponge
The first question to answer is why is movement so important. The answer most overlooked is to simply be a moving target. If all you practice is static drawstrokes, don’t be surprised if that is all do in a real gunfight. Rather, if the situation dictates you should move aggressively on contact and not only be able to draw, but effectively engage and suppress the threat while on the move. What about those times when you are unarmed, wear carrying a firearm is prohibited. Moving creates distance and distances creates opportunities. There are additional reasons to move, seeking cover, moving to a loved one or closing the distance, but think about being a hard target to hit.
The basics
If you are going to engage a target while moving you need to know a few things. First, there are three categories of movement; movement, motion and running. Delivering effective rounds on target is reasonable to expect for the first two categories. Running, on the other hand, is one of those situations where you need to make a choice. What is the tactical imperative? Is it more important to run or to shoot, because you won’t be able to do both. Not effectively at least. If running is the answer, then high port and haul ass. If shooting is the answer, then stop, plant and get good hits.
Don’t linger on your front sight
The secret to shooting while moving is first, best sight picture. Simply put, this theory is best explained by understanding you have a finite time to get hits on target. The longer it takes to get those hits, the more risk of getting shot. Next, you need to be alright with not placing all your shots on top of each other. Displaying your shots across the available target zone will create more trauma and possibly suppress the threat sooner. Once your sights are acceptable for the shot required, don’t dilly-dally around trying to perfect the sight picture. It’s not going to happen, but it will cost you time. In your head this time component is screaming at you to squeeze the trigger. Since you are aware of the time component and to make up said time, you end up slapping the crap out the trigger. So, all that effort at perfecting your sight picture was wasted. Instead, accept the sights may not be perfect, but they are good enough and then focus more on a good trigger press.
Don’t make it any harder
The other problem is placing so much effort on trying to create the most stable platform while moving. All that is junk! If you adjust your movement to improve your stability then you are not really moving. Movement means your sights will move…duh. Do not worrying how you are moving, whether you use a duck walk, Groucho march or some other ninja technique. Instead, separate your lower body from your upper body. Let your lower body do what it knows what to do, it knows how to move so get out of the way and let it move. Focus your resources from there at a good sight picture and trigger press.
Moving is challenging for some, don’t make it any more complicated. Let your body do what it knows how to do, put your sights on the target and spend the rest of your resources pressing the trigger as smoothly as possible.
It all boils down to shoot, move and communicate especially if you are in a LE roll. Which ever you choose to do first or the situation dictates is up to you.
Good point, the situation will always dictate.