Course Title: Advanced Pistol Movement
Course Date: April 12-13, 2025
Course Location: Sig Sauer Academy | Epping, NH
Course Description:
The Advanced Pistol Movement (304) is an advanced pistol course designed to develop a mobile pistol firing platform. Students will learn to effectively engage targets on the move from 5-25 yards by improving their mobility and stability while shooting. Direction of movement will be forward, rearward, laterally and linearly with a heavy emphasis on situational awareness and muzzle discipline. Drawing while moving in various directions along with pivots and turns to safely engage targets in an asymmetrical landscape. Close range shooting focuses on using an acceptable sight picture while long range shooting will focus the tactical imperative.
Subjects in the Advanced Pistol Movement include types of movement, directions of movement, movement techniques, acceptable sight picture theory and trigger control for movement. A major objective is the ability to move dynamically while engaging targets effectively regardless of range measured against time and accuracy. Supporting objectives include: athletic shooting stance, rigid gun mount, movement speed variants and sight misalignment demonstrations.
Gear List:
- Defensive pistol (red dot sight optional*)
- 100 rounds of factory pistol ammunition
- 5x pistol magazines minimum
- 5x inert training rounds for both (no A-Zooms)
- Training uniform: long pants, comfortable shirt, athletic shoes, ball cap and gloves
- Elbow/knee pads or shooting pad (optional)
- Basic loadout: rigid belt, on the waistband (OWB) holster, magazine pouches and dump pouch (optional)
- Clear/tinted wrap around ballistic eye
- Hearing protection (recommended electronic)
- Multi-tool
- Handheld flashlight
- Water, snacks, sunscreen and appropriate inclement weather clothing
- Firearm cleaning kit and quality lubrication
- Open mind
*Students are welcome to use RDS equipped pistols, but must ensure they are properly zeroed. Recommended zero distance is 25 yards for optimal performance, but regardless students must know their impacts at ranges from 0-25 yards.
Course Prerequisites:
Tactical Pistol 2 or similar. The below drills are suggested as minimum skill requirements to meet the prerequisites. All drills are shot using primary carry firearm from the holster. The recommended target is the TRICON TCT-MK4 available from Action Target or TRICON B8 target.
- Pistol Standard Delta; at the 5 yard line; from the holster fire 1 round with a 3.5 second par time. Repeat firing 2-3-4-5 rounds. Must be below par for each stage and score 105/150 or higher.
- Pistol Standard Bravo; at the 10 yard line, from the holster fire 10 (9+1) rounds with a 15 second par time. Must be below par and score 70/100 or higher.
- Pistol Standard Romeo; at the 25 yard line, from the holster fire 10 round with a 30 second par time. Must be below par and score 70/100 or higher.
Registration fee does not include any associated range fees.
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